Cordial Bloom is a decorative typeface system consisting in 3 layers.
Every layer presents different Opentype Stylistic Sets, for a total of 12 styles that can be superimposed on top of each other, therefore making it possible to have many different combinations.
The 3 layers represent the different parts of a flower: stem, petal and pistil.

Cordial Bloom belongs to the extensive family of Cordial Pro. All of them are available at Veer.

Bloom Shaker support
For choosing your preferred combination of Cordial Bloom styles use our simple Flash application. Once you have found your combination, make it in InDesign as is explained in the instructions.

Cordial Bloom was conceived by Riccardo Olocco and designed mostly by Daniele Zanoni. Bloom Shaker was developed by Sandra-Elena Maxa.

All works (c) Riccardo Olocco 2009